Great Britain
Day 15 - Thursday, 22 May 1997
Blair Castle

Blair castle was surrounded by a lovely woods. In the center is a statue of the goddess Diana. The duke who lives here still has his own army of 100 men. I copied a sign from the entrance to the castle grounds:
"Resemble not the slimy snails, that with their filth record their trails.
Let it be said where you have been, you leave the face of nature clean."
We arrived in Edinburgh in early afternoon and wandered a bit in confusion. We decided that we do much better out in the country than we do in the cities. We tend to lose our way when surrounded by buildings. We finally found our B&B just south of Edinburgh. After putting our bags in the room we caught a bus back into town, leaving our car securely in the parking space. We ate a late lunch and rode a Lothian Tour bus ride around the city.

The next day we took a Guide Friday tour bus, and covered much of the same territory, but the stories were different. We began to realize that the quality of the tour depended a great deal on the knowledge and personality of the tour guide.