Jim & Geri in Scandinavia

Bergen, Norway
Day 18 - Saturday, 19 August 2000

Bergen Warf Area

Raindeer skinsWe had to be up way too early to get to the airport for a 6:25 AM flight. Our route home took us through Amsterdam, where all we saw was the inside of the airport. There were little shops there of course, but we didn't take time to browse and buy the colorful wooden shoes. At this point, we were quite tired and could only dream of sleeping in our own bed again.

It was a full year for us. We made four international trips in a year's time, and it took a toll. Next year we won't do so many trips. But we are enjoying writing our diaries and putting together our CDs on Eastern Turkey, Switzerland, Central Asia (Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan) and Scandinavia.

May all your travels be joyous and exhilarating!

Bergen Sunset

Bergen, Norway harbor at sunset.

- End of Journal -