Jim & Geri in Scandinavia

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Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden
2 - 20 August 2000


Our tour began with five days in Copenhagen. From there we went to the quaint little Danish island of Æro with a stop in Roskilde to visit a wonderful Viking ship museum. From Aero we bussed and ferried up to Odense, then on to Malmo, Sweden across the water from Copenhagen. An overnight train took us from Malmo to Stockholm.

After a couple of days exploring Stockholm we boarded an overnight ferry for Helsinki, Finland. We spent the day exploring Helskinki then took the same ferry back to Stockholm. Back in Sweden we made a quick visit to the Drottingholm Castle before boarding a train for Oslo, Norway.

We spent a couple of days exploring Oslo then boarded a train for Bergen with a side trip to cruise a fjord. Unfortunately we had only one complete day in Bergen before heading home.